Carpet with 50 mms staves, 6 mms thickness. With rounded corners and 20 mms frame. 12 mms thickness only grey Ping pong without lines, with frame. This article supplied without the biadhesive 3M. It can be fixed with the “Velcro” kit item 9768. Customizable

9765 grey Ping pong without lines 30x60 12 mm
- grey Ping pong without lines 30x90 12 mm
- grey Ping pong without lines 50x60 12 mm
- grey Ping pong without lines 50X90 12 mm
- Teak or Grey with black or white escape
Ping pong with black getaway
30x60 6 mm
- Teak or Grey with black or white escape
Ping pong with black getaway
30x90 6 mm
- Teak or Grey with black or white escape
Ping pong with black getaway
50x60 6 mm
- Teak or Grey with black or white escape
Ping pong with black getaway
50X90 6 mm